Rick Klemm has been playing drums for a very, very long time. He has a Bachelor of Music from the University of British Columbia majoring in orchestral percussion. During this time, Rick performed in various musical groups such as the UBC Symphony Orchestra and UBC Concert Band, recorded projects for solo and group artists, and performed in rock and roll projects in the Vancouver area. Rick is currently playing with various bands in the Lower Mainland and teaches drums and percussion for the Delta Community Music School.
Rick has always been fascinated by the unique sound that can be obtained from wooden acoustic percussion instruments. Being an expert wood craftsman, he has built and modified snare drums, drum sets and other percussion instruments to create a unique sound.
Rick learned the art of wood working from his father George Klemm, a master craftsman who learned his trade in Germany. Rick has built a variety of projects ranging from wooden boats to traditional hardwood staircases. These projects gave him the skill set and finesse to produce a fine, durable wood product with a flawless finish that will last a lifetime.